Monica Hoersch
Monica Hoersch
Monica has been involved in dog sports for 20 years and her passion is herding with her Border Collies. She also has been competing in Flyball, Rally Obedience, Rally FrEe and now Obedience. Monica has also had 2 dogs in local movie/television productions and one commercial.

- Monica & Isla are the first pair in Manitoba to complete the Rally FrEe Skills test
- When Monica & Nova attended their very first herding trial they received most promising started dog
- Has Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert trick dog title with Isla
- Has Rally Obedience Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Excellent titles and 2 legs towards Master titles with Emmett
- Has Rally Obedience Novice, Intermediate, Advanced titles, and 2 legs towards Excellent title with Isla
- Isla is now also working towards her Obedience Novice title
- Performs yearly in the herding demo for the Manitoba Stampede
- Has performed and filmed Spreading Cheer for the residents of the Riverwood Square Retirement Community
- Worked with Nova on set of Channel Zero & with Isla who was in A Dog's Purpose & a Bluestem Commercial
- Member of NAFA
- Member of Canadian Kennel Club
- Member of Manitoba Stock Dog Association
- Member of Rally FrEee Freestyle Elements
Professional Development
Professional Development
- Herding Clinic with Alvin Kopp - 2012
- Herding Clinic with Lara Forchuk - 2013
- Herding Clinic with Deb Conroy, Conroyfarm Stockdog Training Facility - 2015
- Herding Clinic with Lara Forchuk - 2016
- Herding Clinic with Deb Conroy - 2016
- Herding Clinic with Jamie Gardiner - 2017
- Herding Clinic with Ken McKenzie, WW Stables - 2018
- CKC Rally/Obedience new sign seminar - 2020
- Herding Clinic with Kaelene Forsyth - 2022

Monica is Currently Owned by:
Monica is Currently Owned by:
Emmett: 12, Border Collie, enjoyed Flyball and herding the most in his younger days and received his Flyball Grand Champion award. I retired him at 8 from both to keep him sound for his retirement year and he continues running and skijoring with us. I also started doing Rally with him as a retirement sport and he’s completed his Excellent title and we are working on his Masters.
Isla: 5, Border Collie, has completed so much in her 5 years. Isla has 4 trick dog titles, and is one of the first dogs in this region with her Rally FrEe Elements title. Isla has also performed in 2 movies and a commercial. The sports she competes in are Herding, Flyball, Rally which she has her Advanced title and we are now working on her Excellent, and Rally FrEe style which she holds her Elements title and was entered in her first trial when we were shut down for COVID so we are hoping to re-register once things are back to normal. She also enjoys Dock Diving and Frisbee.